Car Drop Off Procedures
Please enter through the cemetery drive. Staff and Safety Patrol will be there to help guide you. They will stop you and open the door for your child to exit the car. Please make sure your child's backpack is in the car with them. (Do not put it in the trunk.) Please do not get out of your car. Do not park your car along the cemetery in the front parking lot. This is a bus lane and our buses need a wide radius for turning. There are signs posted: "No Parking between 7am - 3pm". Always follow the staff instructions and remember school buses always have the right of way.
Car Pick Up Procedures
Please enter through the cemetery drive. Turn to the right and curve around the back parking lot. Please line up in the 1st row of parking spots. When that row is filled, start row 2. When that row is filled, start row 3, and continue for the rest of the rows. We estimate we can get 7-8 cars in a row.
There will be SJS staff to help you. Please follow their instructions.
When students are ready for pick up, (after the buses leave) all the cars in row 1 will proceed to the center doors of the Monsignor Harris Center, followed by row 2, row 3, etc.
At no time are cars permitted to stop at the end of the cemetery drive and wait for the rows of cars to go by. Please get into the line and follow the instructions of SJS staff. This will help ensure that there will not be cars sitting on St. John's Road and causing traffic problems.
At no time during the school day should cars be parked along the cemetery in the main parking lot. The school buses need a large radius to turn. There are signs posted stating, "NO PARKING BETWEEN 7am - 3pm". You never know when a bus will be here for field trips, etc., so please do not park there during the day.
As always, we encourage students to ride the bus if they can!
Please see below for a detailed map.